11 july 2002
- ripping down old joebot
- wrote parts of the waypoint system
12 july 2002
- extended wp sys, dynamic vis table
- load and save function for waypoints ( wp + vis table )
- movement interface for bots
13 july 2002
- start of
- Player class interface
- Map class interface
- Game class interface
14 july 2002
- fixed some bugs in the path system
- improved display of waypoints
- WPStat class ( collecting 'experiences' )
- aequivalent to clients[32] of botmans template added to Game
16 july 2002
- general system for 'interesting' entities
- HLDM game class basically written
18 july 2002
- the first bots are alive !
- they just stand still, but that's not bad :D
- fixed some bugs in the client message functions

19 july 2002
- astar algorithm done - at least the basis ;D ( compiles fine,
but's not tested )
- it's working :D
20 july 2002
- debugged astar
- started observerclass
21 july 2002
- debugged astar
- continued work on observerclass

22 july 2002
- debugged the paths system :(
- continued work on observerclass
26 july 2002
- still debugging astar ... found e.g. some bugs in the hashtable
of the open/closed lists
- optimizing observation
- ladders are automatically prewaypointed
1 august 2002
- converted external waypoint viewer to new wp sys
- extended waypoint viewer to test AStar
- worked on autowaypointing

3 august 2002
- basic perception system
4 august 2002
- perception of players, entities

5 august 2002
- perception of faked sounds like movements and shooting
15 august 2002
- ( huh, quite lazy writing comments about the progress, bad boy
@$3.1415rin ;) )
- wrote goal system
- wrote goalfinder ( 3 parallel tasks possible - look, move, action
- debugged the bot creation process in relation to the game class
- extended the perception system
- they respawn after map change
16 august 2002
- wrote basic ladder handling
22 august 2002
- extended perception system
- added some behaviours for testing, e.g. watching the enemy,
hearing etc.
6 september 2002
- still optmizing A* ( all times are average values on one testing
waypoint file )
- - memory pool for nodes ( 740 -> 655 us )
- - removed some redundant code ( 655 -> 635 us )
- - fixed bug in updateParents ( 635 -> 310 us )
14 september 2002
- continued optimizing A*
- - about 10% faster because the priority with hash table is now
a class for it's own, not derived from the template queue
- - wrote an AStarTaskManager for the bot
1? september 2002
- basic compatability for cs and dod
- - menu handling for both mods ( for dod, that was a lot of work
:D )
- - team detection for cstrike ( models instead of v.team )

22 september 2002
- wrote management system for move paths ( no need to switch move
tasks each second :D )
- wrote a lot more debugging stuff
- - custom hldm client dll
- - more information, goal priorities e.g. are displayed
23 september 2002
- wrote some behaviours
- - unstuck
- - waypoint reach timeout
- - heading to healthpacks if needed
25 september 2002
- added some client message functions
somewhen in between
- reorganized follow path behaviour
- one more goal type
29 september 2002
- improved wpviewer
- different names

1 october 2002
- weapon pickup system
[in between]
- back from quadro to triple task system
- less cpu intensive perception
- and a lot of fixes and tweaks
13 october 2002
- wrote explore behaviour, so bots can run around without waypoints
while creating some
- extending exploring
17 october 2002
- average distance to/number of visible waypoints added to CWaypoint
( WPV++ )
- damage and damaged field for WPStatItems ( WPSV++ )
- damage of human players is recorded as well ( big bug in old
joebot :) )
- made wpviewer compatible
20 october 2002
- attack behaviours for bots
- some experiments with bsp like tree structures for speeding
up waypoint search
30 october 2002
- hashtable for finding nearest waypoint
[...] ouh, worked not much and joebot xp and even if, no progress
reports ...
29 december 2002
- again 10 percent better A* performance
- optimized response-curve class
- some 'beauty'-changes :D
- added lots of comments
25 february 2003
- another cool AStarMachine Plugin :D -> to determine possible
positions an enemy might have fled to
- removed distinction between perceptive and nonperceptive behaviours
: all are in the same list, but they can 'decide' which perceptions
to process in advance.
- the bot has a long term memory ( 0-30s ) between the short term
mem ( -2s ) and the statistical waypoint related experience data
- added a bit of anticipation ( CBVLT_HLDM_AttackFollow ) ( this
time without cheating :) )
- improved BitField class -> no more ( known *g* ) reasons
to crash
- waypointGraph class extended to be able to produce bitfields
representing states of waypoints, to be easily combinable via
bool's operators
- william noticed that the A* with the updateParents function
from generation5 is a bit slow ... and well, like always, he was
right, reinserting nodes to the open list from the closed list
is about 10% faster
- the current internal situation of the bot can be dumped to a
text file ... what a nice debugging tool
- the profiler class works fine now
- no more eternal camping

22 march 2003
- more precise time measuring based on cpu cycles ( thx to william
- - more precise profiler
24 may 2003
- automatic flagging of target waypoints coded
- - in CS this are bomb targets and hostage rescue zone ... wtf
doesnt this work on cs_assault but on cs_siege ?! huh, gotta sleep
- teams may now have some shared memory, for looking around, for
team message coordination, for squad coordination.
internal team communication should be 'visualized' as far as possible
by radio commands and text messages
12 june 2003
- some structural changes preparing joebotxp for squad-level AI
17 august 2003
- added cohesion behaviour to squad bvs
- added avoidance to squad bvs

13 sept 2003
- found bug connecting wrong waypoints in autowaypointer
January 2004
- restructured class structure. bots are now derived from players
and do not only contain a pointer. First time I used virtual base
classes in some reasonable way
- had to fix a lot of bugs due to restructuring
- improved squad behaviours
- paths
- - added an iterator class for paths
- - pathfinder now uses iterator class instead of accessing the
paths directly. by passing the iterator to functions, there is
no speed loss for path related data any more. the overall speed
loss is negligable
- - added failed information for paths and modified the pathfinding
stuff accordingly
- fixed bug in one of the copy functions of the beloved bitfield
class - partial copy was overwriting m_lBits
- XML output of waypoint data
February 2004
- fixed TK avoidance
- fixed getting stuck due to no realization that no path was found
- improved hearing of nearby impacts of bullets ... ( faked, no
tracelines due to performance )
March 2004
- bots are blinded by flashbangs
- waypoint version moved to 6
- - failed information is now stored for each path, too
- fixed bug in perception : forgot to remove CPerceipt::PTX_INVALID
April 2004
- Added file output to profiler. A folder called 'profiler' is
needed herefore
- Improved Squad Coordination
- - pathfinding might have some penalty for paths occupied by
other squadmembers
- - Squad BVs don't have to take care about AStarMachines, but
they can
- fixed bug with CCallback_OnPathCreation - tasks are removed
on destruction of behaviours, squads
- cohesion behavior now also takes type of weapon into account
- an awp carrying bot should better be at the back of the squad
June 2004
- fixed cohesion of squads
- added a permission system to the team and squad level. This
should, if explicitly wanted, prevent bots in the same team /
squad to run certain same behaviours at a time. a whole squad
of bots running to pickup an AWP wasnt looking nice
September 2004
- added additional parameter to debugMsg and drawBeam to allow
selection of debug item during runtime
- - adapted each of those function calls
- - added command "debug"
- - - "debug engine" is the old debug_engine
- - - "debug beam" for deciding which beams to display
- - - "debug msg" for deciding which msgs to display
- finally found bug which prevented bots who are alone in a squad
from joining another squad
December 2004
- improved aiming
- - improved old aiming for moving targets
- - new aiming ( derivable, and controllable parameter )